Reasons Why You Need to Conduct a Medical Billing Audit by Analytix Editorial Team | July 4, 2022 | 9:02 am Category : Medical Billing Medical billing can be a complicated process even for trained professionals because this process’s requirements can be daunting. These include several constraints such as patient health details, prescriptions, notes authorizing medical equipment purchase, health history indicating authorization, prescription for purchase, consent forms, and several other prerequisites. Given the volume of meticulous work needed, trained, and experienced medical personnel must carry out the billing needs and understand the documentation involved.What Is a Medical Billing Audit?A medical billing audit is conducted to review and evaluate the accuracy and efficiency of the medical billing process. This review process helps identify errors, weaknesses, and challenges. It also considers clinical documentation and health records, as well as medical data sent out for payment.Why Does Your DME Need a Medical Billing Audit?For a DME, it is always critical to ensure timely claim payments. But claim rejections and delays can hurt the DME business bottom line. Fortunately, audits can help prevent these delays. Clinical auditors often request medical records as part of the overall clinical documentation review process. Some of these records include diagnostic and medical reports. These records also include policy details and documentation such as forms of charges, explanations of benefits (EOB), etc. Audits may also be conducted prospectively or before a claim is sent out. Alternatively, they may be conducted retrospectively or after the claim is sent out.Audits help businesses identify and correct issues in the medical billing process. These ensure timely payments and boost the bottom line.What Does a Medical Billing Audit Involve?A medical billing audit typically includes processes such as insurance verification, filling up claim forms and submissions, payment posting, follow-ups, and even the denial management process. However, a medical billing audit does not involve medical equipment details, nor does it concern price, delivery, or item status or condition.There are multiple benefits to a medical billing audit: Streamlining of Processes1. Streamlining of ProcessesAudits help identify problem areas, deficiencies, and loopholes in the medical billing process. They bring about proactive changes in work culture by pursuing compliance with accuracy. It is easier to identify loopholes and ensure relevant training sessions.Teams working on documentation benefit from the knowledge that audits will be conducted. This helps set a precedent for streamlined processes. Thus, it becomes easier for everyone involved to ensure they are appropriate. For businesses that may not have a documented process, audits can help encourage practices for better information recording, storage, and research for insurance purposes.2. Better ComplianceAudits help improve compliance with security processes. Understanding medical billing and the actual claim process helps teams realize the need for accuracy and reliability. Audits also help improve security compliance by highlighting the problem areas, especially fraud protection. Protection against fraud is central to medical billing. Therefore, HIPAA has stringent guidelines governing the use of medical records. For a DME business, an individual’s medical data and health history form the backbone of operations. It is critical in medical billing to record this data for business purposes and ensure its use is in line with relevant HIPAA guidelines.3. Better Alignment with Insurance ProvidersClaim delays and denials are managed through medical billing. Hence, an audit can help ensure more precise alignment with healthcare insurance providers and their requirements. If businesses understand insurance requirements and timelines better, this can help insurance providers make payments faster and with fewer delays. Furthermore, regular audits can also help identify potential problems before an insurance provider identifies them.4. Fare better on external auditsWhether internal or external, audits can help DME businesses change how they conduct their everyday operations. Not only does this help streamline processes, but it also influences business performance. This helps create a positive workflow.The Professional Advantage of DME billingFor smaller businesses and startups, as well as busy DME practices, professional medical billing solutions can offer several benefits:Accurate and reliable claim application submissionTimely payments and receipt of the complete payment dueStreamlining of operations and billing processesAdherence to regulatory and other compliance requirementsExperts undertake medical billingTimely payments and speedier addressing of any delays in claim processingFreedom from expensive hiring and trainingFreedom from expenses associated with salary and employee benefitsAdditionally, professional expertise from HIPAA-certified medical billing partners can help ensure:Transparency in the claims application processImmediate protection from any fraudulent activityProtection from inadvertent errors while billingBetter storage of patient recordsOptimized claimsNext StepsA DME partnership can provide the proper assistance and expertise to manage DME/HME billing requirements reliably. This will boost business profitability. Learn more about our medical billing at us at or call 781.503.9002 for a complimentary session.Follow our blog for industry trends and the latest updates.Engage with us on LinkedIn and Twitter.